Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Learn SwiftUI and Rule the World! ;)

Ok, so I'm about 75% through the book I'm using to ramp up my SwiftUI skills... and I'm starting to REALLY like this and understand it better.  All of a sudden, it just clicked!  So many things are much easier to write with SwiftUI, rather than using UIKit.  I would have never guess it at first.  There's no stopping me now Lol!

Monday, May 2, 2022

SwiftUI - Better Apps. Less Code.

Well, this just got interesting... The project I'm working on now has to be in SwiftUI. This is Apple's latest and greatest flavor for coding iOS apps... AND it's very different from UIKit. While fairly straight forward in concept, there are 700+ page books and full tech courses devoted to this! Smh, if anyone needs me, I'll be chained to my Macbook - Lol 😜

Version 3.0.1 of My Virtual Vibes is out in AppStore!

** NEW ** - included more custom artwork/photos for vibe notifications. ...